One of the biggest pleasures in owning a homewares store is knowing that your goods become a part of your customers' lives. This month, we visit a Raleigh family who's been shopping with us since we opened our doors; how wonderful it was to experience their mix of personal and professional passion for simple and timeless design (they helped us design portofraleigh.co!). Let's visit with Sarah, Daniel, Jack, and Harper ...
How long have you lived in your home and why did you choose to live here?
We've lived here for three years so it's still very much a work in progress. We moved here from a two-bedroom townhouse right downtown on Hargett Street because we were expecting our daughter and needed more space! We wanted to stay close to downtown Raleigh where we work and were very lucky to find a home that fit our needs with a yard to boot. We are pretty close to the Person Street area and we regularly visit the shops there with our kids. We also live in a neighborhood that is very close to several families with kids of similar ages to ours. Easy play dates are a really nice perk of our current location!

How do you approach designing your home and each space in it?
Because we work in a very visual creative field (we run a full-service design studio together), we favor clean lines, white space, and thoughtfully designed functional pieces. Our kids are also a major factor in what we choose to bring into our home, of course. We want a place where we can all be comfortable without losing out on style. Having a minimalist aesthetic is partly style choice and partly something we started practicing when the kids were babies and young toddlers. It was safer and easier to just keep surfaces clear of breakables and now we are so used to living that way it's become what we really prefer stylistically.

What object/piece do you enjoy using most on a daily basis?
It's a tie between our couch and our king-sized bed. We bought with the goal of having spaces where the whole family could comfortably fit for movie nights and Saturday morning cuddles. They were our first grown-up furniture purchases and we are still really happy with both pieces a few years in.

Fill in the blank and share why: “We always have/keep ___ in our home”
Coffee! Our morning tradition is that whoever wakes up first makes a big pour over and brings the second cup to whoever is still in bed. Daniel was a barista for many years so his pour overs taste a lot better than mine, but I try my best! We also have beautiful and functional coffee gear so that makes the early morning ritual that much more pleasant.

What’s one thing we might be surprised to know about your home?
On the outside, our house is an extremely traditional 1960's ranch but we've chosen to incorporate a lot of modern and mid-century modern pieces in the interior design because that's our true taste. I've learned over the years that the two styles can totally be mixed together without it feeling like a mismatch. That's the amazing thing about well-designed pieces, they can work almost anywhere with anything.

Thank you, Faucette Family for sharing your home with us!
For more on Sarah and Daniel's design studio visit Native State Design.