Time is on our side. Yes, it is. Perhaps not with our physical body, as things start to ache and wrinkle, but definitely for our sense of self. How we get there is through modern aging.
Modern aging, as put by the Global Center for Modern Aging, "sparks an inclusive future that engages people throughout their whole of life's course to participate and belong in the ways they truly value." We don't get old and cast aside or relinquish all that gives us life; rather, we embrace our unique life and skip towards a new era.

When I saw issue no.1 of a new South Australian magazine aimed at the 50+ audience, I thought, "how wonderful." And I enjoyed all of its content. It's no surprise that this publication (finally?) exists. When we first moved to Adelaide, I was impressed with the visibility and bounty of retirements and aged care communities/services, physiotherapists on every block, and youthful and vibrant people 60+ years of age everywhere you looked. From restaurants, art festivals, and concerts to hiking trails and theaters, age is nothing but a number. (I don't recall seeing anything comparable in the States, at least where I spent time).
I am all for the attitude and intention of modern aging. Nurturing our sense of self uncovers and expands what we genuinely value. And as that solidifies, we enjoy life all the more.
How we dress is one way to enjoy life, and I love what I've seen lately.
We've entered the age of age-neutral fashion where our minds and hearts for what's "age-appropriate" clothing are as open as the options for personal expression are vast. If you like it, own it, it's your style, not an aged-based demographic's. (This works both ways for people, say in their 20's, who "dress older" or "more classic").
As I celebrate my 38th birthday and embrace every year that I'm given, I'd like to share a few examples of brands that, instead of overlooking their likely or existing 50+ customers, include them in their roster of models. It's a beautiful window into my own fabulous grey-haired self.
Alpha 60

Vert & Vogue boutique


And I have to share these gems who have created their own personal brand through a passion for fashion...

While we grow older and see our age through a physically changing body and face, personal style celebrates who we are on the inside, no matter how many trips we've made around the sun.
Let's hear it for aging well, intentionally, and joyfully. This is the modern way.