File this under I wish I had this when I was a kid!
While the closest thing I got to a just-for-me store was Sanrio, thankfully, Allkinds exists for our daughters and all kids (at least in Australia, for now).
With fun staples for personal hygiene and self-care, Allkinds is a kid's "place to explore, have fun, and discover what's right for them." Their store is a feast for the senses that invites and encourages that exploration; follow your eyes to your favorite color or theme and your nose to just the right scent. Try before you buy at the Testing Station and take home a newspaper/catalog to continue exploring (Allkind products and yourself). There are no preconceived notions related to gender or age, simply the expectation that every kid will find something that lights them up. Something that gets them excited to shower(!), wash their face(!), scrub a dub dub(!). And maybe, just maybe, through the joy of these products shared in a vibrant setting, they learn to connect with what lights them up in all aspects of life.

Explore their virtual store here.